Monday, May 25, 2015

"TIME--as you well know--is a RELATIVE consideration."

… --Lincoln Rhyme, 'The Bone Collector'

… I'll ADMIT that I can be A BIT … TOO literal.

Yes, I REALIZE that TODAY was a NATIONAL-holiday.  Also, 'tis NOT UN-patriotic of/for me to NOT "CELEBRATE" said HONORARY-day.
(… MORE on July 6th)
So, I'll "send-out" a/my BIG 'KUDOS' to ALL our "FALLEN-soldiers" and their TREMENDOUS work/sacrifice!

… Now, back to ME!
(… PLEASE pardon my JOKING.  I'm JUST rather HIGH-spirited this morning.
… I'm sorry I'm NOT sorry.)

Since I've LONG been "UBER-competitive", I have this "SICK" fascination with
(… It's a NUMERICAL-thing.)
I ABHOR "truancy"!  When you tell someone you'll arrive at a certain location AT/BY a certain time, you're "giving your WORD", and you're--metaphorically/figuratively--telling SAID person to "TAKE it".)
But, I AM getting BETTER at …
ACCEPTING that--SOMETIMES--"'SHIT' happens."
MUCH to my DISMAY, we canNOT control EVERYTHING.
I've been--VALIANTLY, DUTIFULLY, DETERMINEDLY, DESPERATELY--attempting to concoct a MULTI-variable EQUATION to allot for the NECESSARY "time"--"T(x)"--NEEDED for  ANY given task.
But, ALAS/"Dag-NABBIT"!  There are just too MANY "dependent-" & "independent-" VARIABLES … to "take into account"/CONSIDER.
(… "BREAK DOWN" the word:
"variable" = 'vari-' --> 'change' + '-able' --> 'capable of')
(… Ergo, there are MANY "factors" that are "'CAPABLE of' 'CHANGE'".
I'm PRETTY SURE it's Latin.)

My "SPEECH-Therapy" DEFINITELY helps!  I play Scrabble--AGAINST my "teacher"--AT LEAST once-a-week.  "Playing into her forte'", I've ACCEPTED the FACT that I shaN'T win 'em ALL.  PLUS, my OCCASIONAL triumphs KEEP ME comn' back for MORE … wins AND losses!  (… My Therapist COULD/SHOULD say to me:
"You MESS WITH 'the BULL', you get 'the HORNS'.")

I really feel that I am "PAST my prime" in regards to my ROMANTIC-life.
(  : (  )
I always felt that I'd be HAPPILY-married BY ~age 30.
Then again, I SUPPOSE my "T.B.I."--which "DESTROYED" my last ~SEVEN years--is a LEGITIMATE excuse.
But, tell THAT to "THOSE who LACK a 'Y-chrosome'".

(… LISTEN-up, LADIES!  THAT'll be ON your "TEST".)


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