Friday, May 29, 2015

MY "WALKING"-analysis:

-- I "WALKED" 59 steps from my BED to my TOILET to urinate after my FIRST-breakfast.
In my RETURN-"trek", I "WALKED" 61 STEPS.
I made TWO MORE "JAUNTS" to 'mi "JUAN"' BEFORE--OFFICIALLY--beginning my day:
-- 57 STEPS & 62 STEPS
-- 59 STEPS & 61 STEPS
(… THAT's an AVERAGE "STEPPING-SCALE" of ~58.33 steps "FROM my bed TO my toilet" & ~61.33 steps "FROM my toilet BACK TO my bed".)
-- I ALSO felt "the URGE/GROWL/RUMBLING in my stomach"--FIRST-THING this morning.
But, I do NOT "WALK", wen I've gotta "go #2".  'Tis NOT that I'm "lazy". (HA!  BLASPHEMY!)  I just UNDERSTAND the Bio-PHYSICS that MY TENSE "WALKING" (The POSSIBILITY of MY STUMBLING/TRIPPING & FALLING is ALWAYS "in my SUBCONSCIOUS".) TIGHTENS the anal-/rectal-"sphincter".
(… "Did YOU know that the HUMAN-body has over 50 different sphincters?!"
--DR. Sheldon Cooper, 'The Big Bang Theory')
(… in the digestive-system, eyes, gallbladder, liver & pancreas, etc.)
-- I've noticed that my stride/gait has become FAR MORE NARROW, when I step … which is GREAT!)

GREAT LEG-"work"!
-- I rode an ACTUAL motorized LEG-bike for ~ten minutes … on "Level 2 of 8".
-- When I asked my trainer (the OWNER) to move the machine BACK 'cuz my legs were--ROUGHLY--"brushing"/"banging" AGAINST the table I was sitting-on, he shifted the machine WAY to my LEFT.  THIS way I ONLY pedaled with my weakER LEFT leg.  I pedaled on "Level 2" for ~eight minutes.
-- … THEN, the OWNER shifted the "DIFFICULTY-level UP to 5", & I continued pedaling for another ~twelve minutes.
-- I FINISHED with ALOTTA "dead-bug"-exercises--in which I would lie on my back w/ my legs EACH lifted above the mat, bent at ~90 degrees, for ~30 seconds.  I REPEATED this SAME "FAUX insect"-exercise FOUR MORE/ADDITIONAL times.

INSPIRATION(?) for the day's "WORK":
-- So, YESTERDAY I observed some GREAT ENTHUSIASM from MANY young 'Karateka'!
The kids were really TRYIN' & APPLYIN' their growing/gaining knowledge.
-- 'Twas particularly ENCOURAGING to hear the/MY "Professor" emphasize to the students:
"REMEMBER: If you do NOT understand HOW or WHY to do something, …
there are NO 'BAD-questions'!"
(… "Write that down."--Van Wilder, 'Van Wilder')


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