Sunday, September 13, 2015

"A MIND is like a PARACHUTE: It doesN'T 'work', if it's NOT 'OPEN'."

… (--Frank Zappa)
"It's IMPOSSIBLE for a man to LEARN what he THINKS he ALREADY knows."
(--Author UNKNOWN … by me)
(… 'Tis a "cryin'-SHAME" that so/too MANY people are so "SET in THEIR-ways" that they REFUSE-to "be-OPEN to" another … DIFFERENT … possibly BETTER … "solution".)

(WARNING) So, I BEGAN my morning, at ~6:45 am, with a LOVELY "PARTING-gift" for my "LEAST-helpful, MEAN, RUDE, INSULTING & kinda intelligence-/'common sense'-LACKING" employEE/Caregiver … that I "DROPPED" … in my TOILET, … & it STUNK!

… So, YAY for MORE "SMELL-detection"!
BOO for the "smell-SOURCES"!
So, AGAIN, my inner NASAL-membrane "TINGLED" & ITCHED, after said "BOMBS were DROPPED over Baghdad".
AND, AGAIN, my "Weekend-/Evening-Nurse" "gave-off" a--LITERALLY--eye-CRINGING scent of MUST, as she extended her arm across my face to reach my "G-tube".

… NEXT, I'm goin' OUT to a local-restaurant for a LATE-breakfast (at ~10:00 am) with my housemate & ... a GREAT "Language Arts"-teacher we enjoyed in high school!

'Twas a SPLENDID meal!  The conversation & stories were great.  I THOROUGHLY-enjoyed MY two scrambled eggs.  I approved-of BOTH of THEIR food-orders.  AND, the company was FANTASTIC!  My FORMER-teacher created SUCH a POSITIVE-atmosphere … that 'twas the ONE time during which I was NOT doing MATH-"work" DURING "English-class".  He WONDERFULLY-exhibited MY belief:
"Create a 'SECONDARY-approach' to PHENOMENAL-teaching by SEMI-"distracting" students from the CORE-principles with ALOTTA … HUMOR."
(… I--SU

Yo, yo. YO!
Listen/Read UP now, 'cuz here's the deal:
I've NEVER been much of a FAN of RAP … EVER.
But, in an effort to "connect WITH/TO" more of my young, impressionable, URBAN audience, I'm gonna give "RAPPING" "the ol' college-TRY".

The COMBINATION of my seeing actor Chris Pratt "NONSENSE-Karaoke"-ing on 'Late Night w/ Jimmy Fallon AND my own CREATIVITY kinda INSPIRED ME to "give it the ol' COLLEGE-TRY":

'Hard Times'  (by Run DMC)
(… Only MY "stage-name" would be …
"Walk IDK".)
(… It's KIND OF a "PLAY-on-WORDS": "Walk--'I Don't Know".)

(I'm "speaking" as an "OUTSIDER" or "THIRD-party" in this song:)

'Shit Happens'

"Unfortunately, 'shit happens' entirely too ofTEN.
Just when you think you're the 'big rooster',
All-of-a-sudden you're the 'HEN'.
Y-y-you get comfy.  Still watch yo' BACK.
When you're 'short on friends, fun & joy you'll LACK.

SHIT happens.

You've 'battled-through' these 'SHIT-storms' for so LONG.
But, you mustN'T let 'em make you fear being WRONG!
'Docs' tell you to be PATIENT.  They say to 'give yo' head TIME'.
So, when 'your brain' 'triumphs', you'll feel SUBLIME!
DoN'T let the many 'obstacles' make you--internally--'CRY'.
Regardless of the errors, … you hafta continue to TRY!
All-day, every day, you must 'go all-OUT'.
You're NOT a woman!  So, doN'T POUT.

SHIT happens.

When 'shit happens', you could feel pretty 'LOW'
But, doN'T let it stop your progress, … or even make it SLOW.
'Adversity' 'ain't no big-whoop'  to YOU.
Yo' mind & muscles hafta 'stick-together' like GLUE.
Gotta-be 'on-the-ball'  -- think like that AL-WAYS.
Confidence & 'drive' will return yo' walking-WAYS!

SHIT happens.
SHIT happens.
SHIT happens.
SHIT happens.
SHIT happens.

SHIT … happens."

(The ORIGINAL-song ALSO applies to my RECOVERY:)

"Hard Times"

Hard times spreading just like the flu
Watch out homeboy, don't let it catch you
P-p-prices go up, don't let your pocket go down
When you got short money you're stuck on the ground
Turn around, get ready, keep your eye on the prize
And be on point for the future shock

Hard times [repeat 2x]

Hard times are coming to your town
So stay alert, don't let them get you down
They tell you times are tough, you hear that times are hard
But when you work for that ace you know you pulled the right card
Hard times got our pockets all in chains
I'll tell you what, homeboy, it don't have my brain
All day I have to work at my peak
Beacuse I need that dollar every day of the weak

Hard times

Hard times can take you on a natural trip
So keep your balance, and don't you slip
Hard times is nothing new on me
I'm gonna use my strong mentality
Like the cream of the crop, like the crop of the cream
B-b-beating hard times, that is my theme
Hard times in life, hard times in death
I'm gonna keep on fighting to my very last breath

Hard times [repeat 6x]

(PLEASE YouTube 

Dana Carvey - Cat on the Piano & Choppin' Broccoli.
This HILARIOUS "clip" INSPIRED me to devise & write MORE:)  

''Choppin' Broccoli'' (by Dana Carvey)
"There's a lady I know
If I didn't know her
She'd be the la-tay I didn't know.

And my lady, she went downtown
She bought some ber-ra-ccoli
She brought it ho-ome...
She's chop'in broccoli
Chop'in brocco-li
Chop'in brocco-la
Chop'in brocco-laa-aa

She's chop'in brocco-lay
Chop'in brocco-lay
She's chop-eah-un!

Chop'in brocco-loco -lay -eaa -eaa -eaa--eeee

She's chopin broccoli

She chopin she chopin she chopin she chopin she chopin

Ch ch ch ch ch ch ta ta ta ta the bra-co-li-i

She's chopin brrrrraaaaiiiii

She's chop she's chop broccoli

She's chopin beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

(… And, now MY version:)

"There's this pair of LEGS I … HAVE.
… If I didN'T have them,
… They'd be the LEH-HEGS … I didN'T have!

And, my legs, they went to the GYM.
They did some SQUUUAAATTTS!
I did more reps at HO-OME.
… Soon, I'll be walkin' individually.

I'm walkin' individua-LAY!
Walkin' individua-lay
I'm WALK-eah-UH!

Walk'in INDIVID-joouh-LAY-eea-eaa-eaa-eee

I'm walkin' individually.

I'm walkin' I'm walkin' I'm walkin' I'm walkin' I'm walkin'

Wa wa wa wa wa wa kin kin kin in-di-vi-jua-li

I'm walkin' indiiihhhvidjooo

I'm walk I'm walk individually



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