Sunday, September 6, 2015

BEFORE you SPEAK--or DO, make sure you "T.H.I.N.K."

T = "Is it True?"
H = "Is it Helpful?"
I = "Is it Inspiring?"
N = "Is it Necessary?"
K = "Is it Kind?"

((… REGRETTABLY, I TEND-to NEGLECT the "K".  But, I'm also a REALIST, & I understand that 
"Life's NOT fair."  … I know all TOO-well that, OCCASIONALLY, (METAPHORICAL) "'SHIT' happens."))

RATHER-than partake in my USUAL "SUNDAY morning"-ROUTINE of going-OUT to a restaurant for a VERY PLEASANT brunch & TALK, I just stayed-IN:
I played ALOTTA "Minesweeper", watched ALOTTA films, PREPPED for my "Grad School RE-enrollment"-Interview & "shot the PROVERBIAL 'shit'".

… Also, my housemate & I RESCHEDULED our next HOSTING-"shin-DIG".
(… We are STILL DEFINITELY attending a friend's "Housewarming-party" TOMORROW.
(… SAID buddy was my housemate's basketball-teammate in high school.)

'Tis VERY-IMPORTANT that I think of the show 'HEROES: Reborn' … WHENEVER I work out, … AND/OR I TEACH Jujitsu!
"Ya know that feeling you get, RIGHT-BEFORE ya do sumthin' REALLY AMAZING?!"

"Above-ALL", y'ALL MUST remember to
"THINK things THROUGH.  Then, FOLLOW-through."


"You ARE what you DO,
what you SAY you'll do."
(--C.G. Jung)

~One MONTH ago, one of my employEEs told me that he was ONLY "THINKIN' about MAYBE moving … ~two HOURS away.  … Sure enough, WITHIN the week, he STOPPED coming to work, … 'cuz he LIED.
(… AND, he SUCKS!)
… "As a STUDENT of human-PSYCHOLOGY, I find emotional-dishonesty … OFFENSIVE."
(--BEHAVIORIST Tobey, 'Scorpion')

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