Monday, September 14, 2015

I believe SACRIFICE--ULTIMATELY--"pays-off".

(METAPHORICALLY, MAXIMUM-EFFORT--regardless of "LOSSES"--WILL yield a POSITIVE-result … in the END.)
(The LITERAL-interpretation ALSO works … for ME --> I, inadvertently, "SUFFERED" the--TEMPORARY--"LOSS" of my COMMENDABLE LEGS' strength.  As a DIRECT-RESULT, I "WON" ~13,000 "BUTT-loads" of "MOO-lah".
(… Watch the HILARIOUS film '2GetHer' to find-out how-MUCH $ "a BUTT-load" is.)

So, I had to "JUGGLE-around" the WORK-schedules of some of my employEEs, so I COULD attend the KIDS' "martial arts"-class TOMORROW-"PREvening" (at ~4:30 pm).
Thus, SKILLED as I AM--with TIME-MANAHEMENT & NUMBERS, I devised the PROPER-times & -locations for ALL affected.
… "BANG-a-RANG", A.J.!
(--Lost-Boys, 'Hook')

… After CALMING my WORRY about my "Karate-CONUNDRUM", I FURTHER "EASED my NERVES" by watching the PHENOMENAL show--'NUMB3RS'!
(… ONE episode was about CALCULATING "decision-making" & "BRANCHES".)
(… "'GREAT-REWARD' requires 'GREAT-RISK'."

BEFORE I arose-FROM bed this morning, I noticed that--for SOME-reason, my LEFT-hip (PREVIOUSLY operated-on, metal-implanted … &-REMOVED) was ACHING!
Nonetheless, I used my BIOPHYSICS-knowledge to SAFELY/PAINLESSLY "WALK" to urinate into my toilet … &, SEPARATELY, brush my teeth.  

… Regarding the CONFUSION of MY Caregiver-scheduling for Karate-class tomorrow:
"I do NOT like to state an OPINION on a matter, unless I know (ALL) the PRECISE-FACTS."
(--Albert Einstein)
… At FIRST I was rather/VERY IRRITATED that MY employEES had (SUPPOSEDLY) MORE IMPORTANT things to do than transfer ME--their BOSS--to my "second-HOME".
But THEN, I 

"'KNOWLEDGE' is LEARNING-something EVERY day.
'WISDOM' is LETTING-GO of something every day."
(--Zen proverb)
… And, NOW: quotes from the appropriate--for ME--movie, 'X-Men: First Class':)

Our (ME, MYSELF & I) pleading to my VERY-SMART housemate--after his & my high school CLAIMED it needed people "MORE-established & -successful" to speak-to its CURRENT student-body:
"We ALREADY are!  WE are the next-stage of human-EVOLUTION.  … You said YOURSELF."
(--Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto)

My mom CLAIMS that people can-NOT "do TWO things at-ONCE" … DESPITE her knowing ME for the past 11,116 days.  
I--NOW--PRIDE-MYSELF on MY "MULTI-tasking", so I submit my RETORT:
"You know, I TRULY-believe that TRUE-focus lies somewhere between RAGE & SERENITY."
(--Professor Charles Xavier)

My buddy/housemate--to ME:
"There is so-much MORE to you than you KNOW.  Not JUST pain & anger.  There is GOOD, too.  I felt it (… in your VALEDICTORY).  You can 'HARNESS that'.  When you can 'access' ALL of that, you will possess a power NO ONE can MATCH … NOT even ME."
(--Professor Xavier)

MY referring to the MORONIC-staff at my Neurologic-Rehab facility:
"I've been at the MERCY of 'men''s TAKING-ORDERS.  
NEVER again."

ME, MYSELF & I--in a SOLILOQUY--referring to my "POWERFUL-valedictory":
"I caN'T stop thinking about the OTHERS out there, … ALL those minds I 'touched'.  I could 'FEEL them'--their ISOLATION, their HOPES, their AMBITIONS.  I TELL you we can START something INCREDIBLE, (A.J.).  We can HELP them."
(--Professor Charles Xavier)

(--Charlie Epps, the mathematician, 'NUMB3RS')


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