Thursday, September 24, 2015

"SUCCESS" … REQUIRES frequent-REPETITION of whatever it takes to "move yourself-FORWARD".

… WithOUT "REPETITION"this FAVORABLE-conclusion MAY/MIGHT have just resulted as a "product" of the "Law of Large Numbers".

'Tis a "Flow Chart":

THINK --> IDEA --> TRY --> DO --> REPEAT --> DO AGAIN --> … & AGAIN --> "LEARN from MISTAKES"/ADJUST --> KEEP-on DOING --> …

(… "ACTIONS speak loudER than WORDS.")
(… In OTHER words, … NUMBERS  >  LETTERS)

"I just doN'T think I can LIVE in a world that 
treats APATHY like some kind of VIRTUE!"
(--Detective Somerset, 'Se7en')
Thus, I am TRYING-to "PRACTICE what I PREACH."

TODAY "marked the FIRST 'working-ALONE'-day" for my newEST employe/caregiver did a VERY ACCEPTABLE/LEGITIMATE/REASONABLE job today!
(… YAY!)

I watched "Game 6 of the '92 Eastern Conference Finals this EARLY-afternoon.  As I admired Michael Jordan's UNMISTAKEABLE-DOMINANCE, I kinda ENVIED his PHENOMENAL-skills.
Despite MY GREAT, WELL-documented SUCCESS in MARTIAL ARTS, WRESTLING & "European-'futbol', it would've been NICE to EXCEL at a more-POPULAR sport.

At Karate-class today, the KIDS were …
I chuckled & reminded 'em, before they SPARRED:

"REMEMBER: The EYES are the 'GROIN' of the head.

… PROTECT 'em!"


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