Thursday, September 3, 2015

"I can't CRY. I don't SLEEP."

For the last three mornings, the FIRST time I'd glance at my bedside-CLOCK, it's been 
3:14 am.  
(… RELAX!  I'm still feeling WELL & NOT-tired.  So, I THINK it MAY have JUST been my ODD sleeping-habits:
Once, I had to URINATE.  Once, I had to "go #2".  Once, I just had a nightmare.)
… But, THEN, I "BEAT" "EXPERT-level" "Minesweeper" … five times.  
(… YAY!)
… THREE of said VICTORIES took me--INDIVIDUALLY/EACH--THREE & 7/30 MINUTES.  … What's ANOTHER way to write/type/interpret THAT victory-time?
3 min. 14 sec.
(… HHHMMM.  Coincidence?  … I think NOT.)
(… I've got 'Pi' on my mind.)
… 'Pi' = ~3.1415926535897932 …) 

(Since I'm a VERY SKILLED practitioner of martial arts, I LOVE-to--PHYSICALLY--fight.)
(… NOT a SERIOUS-/ANTAGONISTIC-"melee" … JUST "sparring"/"PRACTICE")
(… I've actually NEVER-been in an ACTUAL-"fight".  I've always AVOIDED serious-CONFRONTATIONS and/or "TALKED my way OUT of" POTENTIAL-violence.)

… "The (BLOG-)Architect"(--'The Matrix Revolutions')--to my housemate--about ME: "(A.J.) has PROBLEMS."
My housemate: "You mean, BE-YOND 'Pacifism'?"
The Architect: "(A.J.) was a CONSCIENTIOUS-Objector."
Housemate: "I did NOT know that."
(--The DUDE & Walter, 'The Big Lebowski')
(… I'm NOT violent or aggressive or confrontational.  It's just COMFORTING to recognize something at which I--STILL--EXCEL.)

What you tell YOURSELF EVERY DAY will either 
"lift you UP" 
"tear you DOWN".
((… Being the OPTIMIST I am, I try to begin EACH & EVERY day by watching MY high school VALEDICTORY … to REMIND myself:
A) People DO LIKE & RESPECT me.
2) I can be VERY INSPIRING … in a COMICAL-way.
(… ODDLY-similar to what I TRY-to accomplish with this blog)
D) MY SELF-deprication is meant-to 

(… CONTRARY to MY OPTIMISTIC beliefs/philosophy/mantra, SOME "LIFE-sciences" CAN-be rather "glass is half-EMPTY".)

"On a LARGE enough time-frame, EVERYONE's survival-rate drops to ZERO."

My LACK OF sleep BEGS for the question(S):
Am I aN "insomniac"?


"Am I Tyler Durden?!"

(--'Fight Club')

So, I've been having OCCASIONAL STEERING-problems with my MOTORIZED-wheelchair.  At FIRST I was convinced that 'twas FAULTY-steering.  THEN, 

… "The ONLY way to 'DEFEAT' 'TEMPTATION' … is to 'YIELD' to IT!
(--'BLUNT Talk')

I COULD write MORE.  But, NCAA-football season STARTS TONIGHT!
So, I MUST watch.
(… But, GREAT Karate-VIEWING!)

Even IF you have a "glass is half-EMPTY"-view of LIFE, RECOGNIZE the IMPORTANT-aspect:
At LEAST there's "WATER" in YOUR glass!
(… "WATER" = "HOPE";
"YOUR glass" = "YOUR life")


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