Tuesday, September 8, 2015

"NO rest for the WEARY."

I have a "JAM-PACKED" day of COMMITMENTS, 


( 'Tis busIER than my USUAL-day  of STRUGGLING  

for SELF-improvement.)

I have a "LAUNDRY-list" of FORMAL-"BETTERMENTS" on 

TODAY's (British accent-) "SHEH-jew-uhl" (schedule):

-- UPPER-body workout

-- Neuro-Psychology session

-- "NeuroFit 360" workout (… It MOSTLY 

works/stresses/EMPHASIZES my LEGS.  But, since I'm 

actually quite-"ADVANCED" compared to MANY of the 

BRAVE-souls who VENTURE there, 'tis more "ALL-


-- PHONE-interview (with my mom's HELP) with my 

FORMER "grad school".

-- Jujitsu-technique developing

-- Email-correspondence

-- Party-organization

((… It HELPS my "drive"/strive for COMPLETION that I really 

ENJOY ALL of (British accent:) ''m'DAY's' SHEH-jew-uhl''.))


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