Wednesday, September 30, 2015


(ALAS, I'm CURRENTLY-/TEMPORARILY-paralyzed.  BUT, I devised wayS to MAINTAIN my EXCEPTIONAL PHYSICAL-/ATHLETIC-PROWESS.  … I FORMALLY-exercise my--now SUB-par LIMBS--FOUR hours … AND attend/TEACH "martial arts"-class THREE hours … each & EVERY week.)

-- "(ONLY) Sometimes you can'T 'OUTRUN' your 'DEMONS'.
So, you might as well turn-around, & 'give 'em HELL'."
(--Author UNKNOWN … by me)
(… If I were to interpret this LITERALLY, I--TEMPORARILY--can-NOT "RUN" at-ALL, so I have NO-CHOICE BUT to "give my LEGS HELL".)

(I tell my 'Karateka'--during my TEACHING--to NOT hesitate to INTERROGATE-me about my many strange, but KICK-ASS, techniques.)

-- Do NOT be EMBARRASSED of your-OWN ignorance.
Simply ASK-QUESTIONS, & the ANSWERS will "put you 'in the-KNOW'".

(SSSHHH!  I like-to TELL people I didN'T study to accomplish my NUMEROUS ACADEMIC- & "MARTIAL ARTS"-ACCOLADES.  But, in ACTUALITY, … 

"'EXCELLENCE' is NEVER an accident. It is ALWAYS the 



It represents the WISE-choice of many alternatives." 

~ Aristotle

My housemate--to ME--about my mentioning my POSSIBLY-

"SKIPPING" my LEG-workout to just "shoot the proverbial 

'SHIT'" at HOME:
"Life's too short. That's not a prediction."

(--The Oracle, 'The Matrix Reloaded')

My EX-girlfriend--who's three years oldER than I--to ME:

"It seems that every time we meet, I have nothing but bad 

news. I'm sorry about that, I surely am. But for what it's 

worth, you've made a believer out of me. Good luck, kiddo." 

(--The Oracle, 'The Matrix Revolutions')

(WHEN I WALK--UN-assisted--at home,  & my housemate 


My housemate (as Seraph)--to ME: "Did you always KNOW?"

MY reply (as The Oracle): "Oh, NO.  No, I didN'T.  But, I BELIEVED.  … I believed."
(--'The Matrix Revolutions')

((… AFTER MY--FUTURE-walking … & stumbling, my housemate (as The Architect) remarks to ME:))
"You played a very-DANGEROUS 'game'."
My REPLY … as The ORACLE: 
"'CHANGE' always IS."
(--'The Matrix Revolutions')

"For what it’s worth: it’s never too late to be whoever you 

want to be. There’s no time limit.  Stop whenever you want. 

You can change or stay the same.  There are no rules to this 

thing.  We can make the BEST or the WORST of it.  I hope 

you make the BEST of it.  And, I hope you see things that 

startle you.  I hope you feel things you never felt before. I 

hope you meet people with a different point of view.  I hope 

you live a life you’re proud of.  If you find that you’re not, I 

hope you have the courage to start all over again." 

~ Eric Roth, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, 'Drunk 


((… MY interpretation:



(… You caN'T CHANGE what's goin' on AROUND you, 'til 

you START-CHANGING what's goin' on WITHIN you.)

… Be a "DO-er" … not JUST a "TALK-er".

… I took said "DOING-advice" "to heart" yesterday, when I--

RANDOMLY/"NOT in SPEECH-Therapy"--ate (via MOUTH) 

TWO scrambled eggs.  

… "'PRACTICE' makes (CLOSE-to) 'PERFECT'."

Give people ADDITIONAL "CHANCES", 'til they PROVE they NO-LONGER deserve 'em.
(… Today I HAD-to "TERMINATE the employment" of one EX-employee, 'cuz he--like a RUDE, ORNARY, IRRESPONSIBLE DUMBASS--saw "NO BIG DEAL" with his LEAVING MY house & going to a restaurant!)
(… On THAT note--among MANY, "PEACE" & "Good RIDDANCE!")


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