Wednesday, September 23, 2015

"I got a BIRD. … His name is RONNIE."

… (--Brucie, 'The Longest Yard')

I "slept-IN" … a TAD (… 'til 6:44 am).  PLUS, I BELIEVE I "called it (a BIT-of) 'an early night'.  So, I feel READY, ENERGIZED & just BETTER this morning!

Regarding my "WALKING" this morning, I agree with Denver Broncos (football) Defensive End--Kenney Anunike, who's rehabbing/returning-from RECENT right-knee surgery … in mid-August:

''Zero pain. That's a huge indicator,'' he said, ''because if you 

have pain, obviously something's wrong. I had no pain. I was 

going out there and felt fast, I felt strong, I felt powerful.''
(… When a problem/"HURDLE" arises, I … ADAPT.)


"If my SUPERPOWER were 'arrogance', my name would be 
'Captain Arr-O-ganto'."
(--Sheldon, 'The Big Bang Theory')


(… PROBABLY 'cuz I FEEL as if "I am DUE … to "give-BIRTH" … rectally … to a "Fecal-Frenzy"/"Excretory-Enigma"/"Poop-Party".)
But, when I DO feel "gastronomically-DEPRIVED", I utter

"CAN o' CORN!  Can o' corn, and I'll be fine."

(--Brucie, 'The Longest Yard')

IF I get-into my wheelchair too-QUICKLY/-AWKWARDLY, I MAY sit-UPON my TESTICLES.  (… UUUNNNGGGHHH!)

(… FEMALES, in THIS case, y'all are LUCKY to NOT-have EX-ternal genitalia!  'Tis as if I were REPEATEDLY, POWERFULLY  … PUNCHED … in my LOWER-abdomen.  … OOOUUUCCCHHH!)
(… According to Cheeseburger Eddy of 'The Longest Yard', 
"You've gotta ALWAYS-PROTECT 'the McNuggets'!"

This evening I rang for MY Caregiver, 'cuz I REALLY HAD-to 

urinate.  Thus, I was--INTERNALLY/URGENTLY--yelling at 



(--Caretaker's imitating/MOCKING of Forrest Gump, 'The 

Longest Yard')

My housemate CHUCKLES, as he PONDERS people's IGNORANCE about how my "Traumatic Brain-Injury" is MAINLY a PHYSICAL-handicap, & says TO ME:
"You're as MANIACAL as a box of KITTENS."
(--Paul Crewe, 'The Longest Yard')
ME: "'My Spider-sense detects' A BIT of SARCASM.  … NOT funny!  … To make you feel BETTER, Ha ha HA, how 'bout a 'MANIACAL' pillow-fight tonight?!"
(--Paul Crewe, 'The L.Y.')

P.S. (WARNING!)  I JUST--at ~7:15 pm EDT-- "let-LOOSE" 

my "HANDSOME", "STUDLY" "Fecal-Friend".


Not-ONLY was my EXCRETORY-matter "LARGE", but 'twas 

"SOLID".  So, my Digestive System is FINALLY STARTIN' to 

"process" CORRECTLY.


… I ONLY needed ~83.5 hours in-BETWEEN my "excretory-

EXPULSIONS" to PROPERLY-"shape"/-"form"/-digest my 


"GOOD-work takes TIME."

(… AAAHHH, SARCASTIC hyperbole … & SELF-


… "'SHAME' is OVER-rated … like 'KETCHUP'."

(--'Two Broke Girls')

P.P.S. My housemate was SALUTATORIAN to MY 


accumulated/gathered/"concentrated" in MY household is … 



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