Thursday, September 10, 2015


"It MEEEANS 'NO WORRIES' … for the rest of yo' daaays!
It's our problem-FREEEEEE
… 'Hakuna Matata!"
(--Timon & Pumba, 'The Lion King')

"Being BOLD is MORE than JUST a philosophy,"
(… "'Tis just what I DO."

… HOW/WHY do I have SUCH a "SELECTIVE"-memory?!
(… The word ITSELF--"selective"--is MISLEADING, 'cuz I can/do NOT "SELECT" what MEMORIES I have.  THAT is a "LEVEL of CONTROL" I have NOT--YET--achieved.)
I CAN/DO remember:

-- MANY … but NOT-all … "MARTIAL ARTS"-principles, moves & names

-- MANY MOVIE-quotes … but NOT--NECESSARILY--the FILM-title

-- ALL MATHEMATICAL-principles … but NOT the NAMES

-- ALL SPORTS-rules … but NOT-MUCH of the ASININE-TRIVIA-info on which I USED-to PRIDE-myself

-- a FEW stories of my RANDOM "SHENANIGANS, TOMFOOLERY & BALLYHOO"(--therapist, 'Good Will Hunting')

-- a FEW of MY HILARIOUS "Chaplain's Reports" (FUNNY fraternity-stories) from COLLEGE


… Dag-NABBIT!  This morning I WORRIED too-MUCH about my NEW caregiver taking too-LONG to HELP me get-READY for my "interview" for RE-enrollment at my graduate-school … for my "M.B.A.".  
But, ALAS, it was a MIX … of HIS "putzing". my MOM's truancy & OUR unfamiliarity with the school-location that caused ME to be ~20 minutes LATE!
(… Actually, I arrived at 11:18 am for my 11:00-appointment.)
LUCKILY, my "Advisor" was QUITE forgiving & HELPFUL!
So, I'll be lookin'        
(These "points" are ALL TENTATIVE.  I STILL hafta SELECT my OPTIONS)
… at AUDITING a class 
  ('cuz I definitely doN'T "NEED" ANOTHER Educational-FEAT)
… for the SPRING of '16
   ('cuz I NEED TIME to PREP)
… to ATTEND said class THERE
  ('cuz I want/NEEED to be MORE-SOCIAL)
… for a class that INTERESTS ME.
   (like MATH- or FILM- or PSYCH-related)

(HEAVILY-audible SIGH) 
I was "THIS CLOSE" to FIRING my NEW Caregiver … for just SUCKING like an IDIOT!
(… I doN'T mean to sound CONDESCENDING.  But, in THIS-case, 'tis TRUE: I'm SO MUCH SMARTER, NICER, more-LOGICAL, … just BETTER than he is!)
(… THEN, I arrived at "my SECOND-HOME"--my dojo, & I decided to give him … ONE, FINAL CHANCE to PROVE/SHOW his "WORTH".)
(… WAY to "HARNESS/FOCUS your QI", A.J.!)

"Believing in a new, positive, empowering reality takes practice. We have to be more diligent with practicing what moves us forward towards our ideal life, as we are in being distracted by what doesn't." ~ Author UNKNOWN … by ME


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