Saturday, September 26, 2015

"At the END of your life, they say you regret the things you DID do MORE THAN those you didN'T."

… --Leonard, 'The Big Bang Theory'

Another DAY = Another OPPORTUNITY to be AMAZING
(… 'Tis JUST what I DO!)


-- traveling to Karate-class that UNFORTUNATE, REGRETTABLE, CATACLYSMIC, life-RUINING day!  (July 6, 2008)
-- playing FOOTBALL in my "high school"-wrestling room to warm up … for a dual-meet!  (… THAT was when I slid & TRAGICALLY-broke my RIGHT-forearm, … which required surgery … that was INEXCUSABLY-"BOTCHED", leaving my RIGHT-hand PERMANENTLY-"hand"icapped.)
-- occasionally being TOO SELF-absorbed during my previous ROMANTIC-relationship.  (… 'Tis the ONLY reason I can THINK-of to EXPLAIN my LONELINESS.)
-- Etc.


-- NOT-more energetically-QUESTIONING/-DOUBTING/-REFUSING my tire-"mechanic"!
(… He's a truth-WITHHOLDING "piece o' SHIT"!)
-- NOT being nicER/kindER to those who REALLY cared-FOR me!  
(… Now, I am/was never MEAN!  I could've just been MORE appreciative.)
-- NOT learning to be AMBI-dexterous!
(… It would be VERY DIFFERENT & INTERESTING … for my RECOVERY-process, IF I did NOT have a "GOOD"/PREFERRED side!) 
-- Etc.

(… "'HIND-sight' is 20-20.")

… REGRET: Action >> NON-Action

I attended the LATER (ADULTS') "MARTIAL ARTS"-class this morning/afternoon.  A buddy taught.  (… Actually, ALL 'Karateka' are my FRIENDS.  Just I am particularly-"CHUMMY" with THIS 'Sensei'.)
He demonstrated ONE of my Jujitsu-techniques to the class … took copies of eight OTHER techniques for HIM to practice AND teach.
((… What was ALSO REWARDING was when he told the class about how HE, Professor & three other WELL-RESPECTED 'Senseis' USED-to BEGRUDGINGLY- … yet EXCITEDLY-ENJOY our SMALL-group of TRAINING-partners!  He said that--no matter WHAT they did--I'd "ALWAYS have some WRESTLING-move to COUNTER ANYTHING (they) did"!  … NOICE!))

"It AIN'T about how HARD you HIT.  
It's about how hard you can GET-HIT & keep 'moving-FORWARD'.  It's how much you can 'TAKE' … & keep 'moving-FORWARD'.
THAT's how 'WINNING' is done."
(--Rocky Balboa, one of the 'Rocky'-films)


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