Saturday, September 19, 2015


(… As "SOUND" as I KNOW MY MIND--INDIVIDUALLY/ALONE--to be, 'tis SIGNIFICANTLY-LACKING, when it must be "evaluated" in terms of "working well with others", … e.g. my LEGS & my ENTIRE LEFT-side.)

"BELIEVE in the ball, … and THROW yaself."
((--Wise janitor (Mr. T) in 'Not Another Teen Movie'))
(… I WAS an EXCEPTIONAL quarterback … "BACK in the day.  NOW, I--occasionally--ALMOST "CATAPULT-myself" onto my walker at home.)

So, I was PONDERING-about my (ONCOMING, PROMISING WALKING, & then, I glanced at my watch.  It's ""RHYME-TIME":

But, I CAN'T.
So, I SHAN'T."

"As dominant as I am with the cribbage-PEGS,
I hope-to again 'strike-fear' in observers of my LEGS!
So, I'll laugh in the face of any attacker, as he pleads & BEGS!"

"I just thought of a new Halloween-costume … with my 'CHAIR'!
The 'downside' would be that I'd hafta shave my HAIR.
I fear leaving my head BARE.
This would explain my 'calculating-STARE'
Make you feel as if I'm challenging you to outsmart me by DARE.
Yes, I'll admit my cockiness.  But, I 'back it up', I SWEAR!
So, I'll be 'Professor X' … with my arm-muscles adding some … 'FLAIR'!"

So, I went to Karate-class this morning--READY to-AGAIN-CO-teach.  
… HOWEVER, upon reaching & observing CLASS, I remembered that there were/are "PROMOTIONS--'en masse'--TODAY.  Ergo, MY-techniques MUST-BE postponed.

(MANY UN-knowing spectators FOCUS-on my SEVERELY-injured, nerve-"DEADENED" LEGS, while my SIGNIFICANTLY-weakENED HAND-gripS "Slip N' Slide" along my Walker.)

"MIS-direction--what the eyes SEE & the ears HEAR, … the MIND BELIEVES."


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