Saturday, September 5, 2015


(--Dante, 'Clerks')
… Since I was SUPPOSED-to show my NEW techniques to the ADULTS' Martial Arts class today, … RATHER-than my USUAL KIDS' class viewing, I was A BIT "TORN" as to WHO/WHERE deserves my FULL-attention.

(… ACTUALLY, I attended some of BOTH.  … I've GOTTA give the people what they WANT!)

(My 'Sempai'--to ME--after my INSISTENCE to DEMONSTRATE MY techniques … in DEFIANCE of BOTH my NURSE AND my "Martial arts"-Professor:)
Him: "Shocking ABUSE of AUTHORITY!"
"Hey, I'm a FIRM believer in the concept of a 'ruling-class' … ESPECIALLY 'cuz I RULE!"
(--Randall, 'Clerks')

(Despite the MANY people who DIS-agree with my COGENT--and USUALLY CORRECT--decisions, I must NOT let ANYONE HIGHLY-/SIGNIFICANTLY-INFLENCE my "OPTION-weighing".)

Since I REALLY ENJOY JOKINGLY "bustin' my BUDDIES' chops", I asked MY BLOG-"Creator"--a "DIEHARD" 'Star Wars'-FANATIC:

ME--to Him: "What'd you like better--'Return of the Jedi' or 'Empire Strikes Back'?"
Him: "'Empire Strikes Back."
Him: "'Empire' had the better ending. I mean, Luke 

gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader's his father, Han gets 

frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down 

note. I mean, that's what life is, a series of down endings. All 

'Jedi' had was a bunch of Muppets."

(--Randall & Dante's back-N-forth, 'Clerks')

(REPEATED CLOSE-proximity "promotes" a CASUAL, RELAXED openness between people.)

My housemate: "So, I'm with this girl last night, & as we're 

HEAVILY-kissing, I whisper to her, 

''Call me 'A.J.'s BITCH'.''"
(CONFUSED but HORROR-struck) MY response: "People 

say crazy shit during sex. One time I called this girl 'MOM'."

So, I went-OUT with my housemate/buddy (NO, 'twas NOT a 

"MAN-date"!  … I brought my Caregiver … who's ALSO  

GUY.  … Ergo, was it a MALE "three-way"?  … HHHMMM.)

(… AAAHHH, HUMOROUS SELF-deprication!) to HIS 

father's birthday-PARTY.

'Twas FUN.  But, I did NOT enjoy NOT being-able to SWIM! 

My housemate--SARCASTICALLY, to ME: "Melodrama 

coming from YOU seems about as natural as an oral bowel 


My housemate--to his dad--about ME--AT his father's party: "You know, that guy (A.J.'s) got it right, man. 

He has no delusions about what he does. Us... we like to 

make ourselves seem so much more important than the 

people that come in here to buy a paper, or, God forbid 

cigarettes. We look down on them as if we're so advanced. 

Well, if we're so fucking advanced, what are we doing working 


My housemate--to ME--about my EXCITEMENT at 

ATTENDING his father's get-together: "You hate people!"

MY retort:" But I love gatherings. Isn't it IRONIC?"

ME--to my NeuroPsychoTherapist--in DEFENSE of SOME 

of MY actions: "   So, my point is that people dictate their 

own behavior.   I like to think I'm a master of my own 



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