Monday, September 21, 2015

A.J.'s ''I'm NOT-Sick, But I'm NOT-WEEEEELL!''

The employEE I RECENTLY-hired MAY have "made-UP"/"LIED-on" his WHOLE resume'.  
(… I'll "raise this 'ISSUE'" to him tonight.)

"Always LAUGH, … when you CAN.
It's cheap 'MEDICINE'."
(--Lord Byron)

"WORRYING" is using your imagination to create something you DON'T want.  

… "'WORRYING' is like a ROCKING-chair: It's something to DO, … but it doesN'T get you anywhere."
(--Van, 'Van Wilder')

My "SPEECH-Therapy"-session went VERY WELL today!
After my "TEACHER" took a TEN-day "break", she COMPLIMENTED my improvementS!  
((… Tongue-movement, IN-TEH-LIH-JUH-BIH-LIH-IH-TEE, breath-control, SAFE-eating (by MOUTH))
(… THIS seems like FURTHER-evidence that I "DESERVE"/"would BENEFIT-from" a SHORT "therapy-HIATUS".)

I HAD-to decide between watching the PHENOMENAL "biography" of AWE-inspiring, fellow "SEVERELY-disabled GENIUS" Stephen Hawking … & watching a couple episodes of the FANTASTIC television show 'NUMB3RS'.
(… I went with 'NUMB3RS', JUST 'cuz I watched the Hawking-film over the weekend … TWICE.)

So, my PROMISING-"performance" during my WORKOUT at "NeuroFit 360" INSPIRED me to express my EXCITEMENT/SATISFACTION … in SONG:

(ORIGINAL SONG "I'm NOT Sick But I'm Not Well" by 'Lit')

I had visions, I was in them
I was looking into the mirror
To see a little bit clearer
The rottenness and evil in me

Fingertips have memories
Mine can't forget the curves of your body
And when I feel a bit naughty
I run it up the flagpole and see who salutes
(but no one ever does)

I'm not sick but I'm not well
And I'm so hot cause I'm in hell

Been around the world and found
That only stupid people are breeding
The cretins cloning and feeding
And I don't even own a tv

Put me in the hospital for nerves
And then they had to commit me
You told them all I was crazy
They cut off my legs now I'm an amputee, goddamn you

I'm not sick but I'm not well
And I'm so hot cause I'm in hell
I'm not sick but I'm not well
And it's a sin to live so well

I wanna publish zines
And rage against machines
I wanna pierce my tongue
It doesn't hurt, it feels fine
The trivial sublime
I'd like to turn off time
And kill my mind
You kill my mind

Paranoia paranoia
Everybody's coming to get me
Just say you never met me
I'm running under ground with the moles
(Diggin big holes)

Hear the voices in my head
I swear to god it sounds like they're snoring
But if you're bored then you're boring
The agony and the irony, they're killing me

I'm not sick but I'm not well
And I'm so hot cause I'm in hell
I'm not sick but I'm not well
And it's a sin to live so well

(MY revision/edition … applied to ME:)

"I have 'VISIONS' … of my WALKING.
I stare down at my legs
To impatiently see
Any movement at all.

Muscles have memories.
Mine can't seem to connect with each-other.
But, when I get FRUSTRATED,
I stop TRYING-to force 'em and just WAIT-for some moves.
(But, none ever do.)

I'm not sick, but I'm NOT-WEEELLLLL!
I may SEEM ok, but I'm in HEEELLLLL!

Been around the state and found
That only stupid people are BITCHIN'
My lower mid-back is ITCHIN'.
But, I can't reach the spot.

Put me in brain-rehab for nerves.
Then, my mom HAD-TO remove me.I was injured but not crazy.
They did NOT help me 'walk' but STOLE my money, goddamn you.

I'm not sick, but I'm NOT-WELL!
'Tis quite frustrating, when no one answers my BELL.
I'm not sick, but I'm NOT-WEEELLLLL!
Rarely do I feel 'tis sinful that I live so WELL.

I wanna walk by my-SELF,
And, reach the top-SHELF!

I wanna walk without HELP,
And, actually, taste KELP.
I wanna, again, do a straddle-SPLIT.
It doesn't hurt, it feels FINE.
The trivial SUBLIME.
I'd like to turn-off TIME,
And kill my MIND.
Legs, you kill my mind.

Pressure, PRESSURE!
Everyone's 'counting-on me'.
Just concentrate on NUMBERS.
I'm so relaxed I'm falling … ASLEEP.
(Snoring LOUDLY)

Hear the voices in my head.
I swear to God they're arguing LOUDLY.
I don't understand WHY they caN'T AH-GREE!
The CONSTANT-DISchord, it's killing ME!

I'm not sick, but I'm NOT-WEEELLLLL!
I may SEEM ok, but I'm in HEEELLLLL!
I'm not sick, but I'm NOT-WELL.
And, it's a SIN that I've so much horror to TELL."

Now, I've GOTTA watch the season-PREMIERE of 

P.S. My NEWEST-HIRE actually had a "pretty darn-GOOD" day today.
(… I'd give him an … "88/100".)


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