Friday, September 18, 2015

"'TIME' is the ONLY unit of measure. WithOUT it … we do NOT EXIST."

… (--Lucy, 'Lucy')

"'LEARNING''s always a 'painful' process … like when you're 

little and your bones are growing and you ache all over. Do 

you believe I can remember the sound of my own bones 


(--Lucy, 'Lucy')

ME: "… NO?!  (PAUSE for effect.)  … Well, (Chuckle) way to 'see-THROUGH my HYPERBOLE."

(I have a VERY-SELECTIVE "heart for 'PAIN'": I "BREEZED-


Sun"* Black Belt Test … just 24 days BEFORE my 18th 

birthday!  But, I SHUDDER, when my shower-water's too-

HOT OR too-COLD.  I did-NOT "shed a TEAR" … just 

ALOTTA BLOOD … from my HORRIFIC-accident.  

HOWEVER, my LEG-muscles grow-FATIGUED & -SORE 


"I don't feel painfeardesire. It's like all things that make us 

human are fading away. It's like the less human I feel, all this 

knowledge about everythingquantum physics, applied 

mathematics, the infinite capacity of the cell's nucleus, they're 

all exploding inside my brain. All this knowledge. I don't know 

what to do with it."

(--Lucy, 'Lucy')

((… The COMBINATION-of 23 years of "MARTIAL ARTS"-

training & my "DEADENED-nerves (from my accident) has "

"rendered me" ALMOST-/NEARLY-immune to MOST-pain.  

…NOT-to BRAG, but I--A.J. Kaynatma--have assimilated 

entirely TOO-MANY mathematics- & physics-FACTOIDS.  


… Therein lies the TRUE-/REAL-source of MY "Traumatic 



… OTHER-items of Lucy's WISDOM--applicable to ME: 
  •  we've codified our existence to bring it down to human size, to make it comprehensible, we've created a scale so we can forget its unfathomable scale.
    • Indicating some of her perspectives on human concepts of measurement and distinction.
  • Time is the only true unit of measure, it gives proof to the existence of matter, without time, we don’t exist.

  • The dolphin did not invent the sonar — it developed it, naturally. And this is the crucial part of our philosophical reflection we have today: can we therefore conclude that humans are more concerned with "having" than "being"?
  • If its habitat is not sufficiently favorable, or nurturing, the cell will choose immortality, in other words, self-sufficiency and self management. On the other hand, if the habitat is favorable, they will choose to reproduce — that way, when they die, they hand essential information and knowledge to the next cell, which hands it down to the next cell, and so on. Thus knowledge and learning are handed down, through time.

MY MATH-student--to ME: "But, what would happen … if for some reason we ignore, somebody unlocked 100% of the cerebral capacity?  

Ignorance brings chaos, not knowledge. I'll build a computer and download my knowledge in it. I'll find a way for you to have access to it.
Professor Norman: Yeah … I just hope … we will be worthy of your sacrifice.


(APPARENTLY, Professor/Dr. Stephen Hawking KNOWS MY "predicament"--from HIS-OWN similar SITUATION.
(… I COMPLETELY-CONCUR … with his stipulations:)


Personally, I was RATHER-content with/about my NEW 

employee-HIRE today.  After … 2,630 days of SEMI-quiet 

"'putzing'-around", I FINALLY "discovered" a "worker" of 

SEMI-similar age.

P.S. "Red Sun" Test-DETAILS:

(I THINK ALL requirements HAD-to be COMPLETED in 

one HOUR.)

Minimal 1 year of good attendance on a regular basis as a high brown belt.
(good attendance means student averages coming to class 2x per week).
The examination will begin with a verbal speech
on what martial arts means to you.
The only requirement is that the words come from your heart.
You will have no printed aid in front of you while giving your speech.
Before the examination begins,
submit to Sensei a typed essay on this speech.

Be aware of all information from the Student Handbook,
including the knowledge and terminology, academy guidelines,
procedures, and rules, and any basic knowledge
of the martial arts covered in class.

Incorporated in 2003, all students must run 1 mile
(or equivalent, if bad knees) before their exam.
This will be done on the honor system,
meaning I'll take your word that you have done this.

Be prepared to do up to:
Students Testing in their 20's (I was ONLY 17.)
100 Jumping Jacks
100 Sit Ups / Crunches
100 Push Ups (75 push ups for females)
100 Kicks with one leg on a target 
 Know all stances, blocks, and strikes. 
This is not only a test of the basics,
but also a further test of stamina and endurance.

Know and be prepared to demonstrate all nine academy katas
along with your own invented kata.
You should have prepared, in typed form,
a brief scenario of your kata's setting along with a listing of all strikes used.
1. NEW AGE KATA (white-brown belt)
2. Taikyoku (white belt)
3. Taegeuk EE Jang (yellow belt)
4. Taegeuk OH Jang (orange belt)
5. Heian 2 (green belt)
6. Heian 4 (blue belt)
7. Taegeuk YUK Jang (purple belt)
8. Taegeuk CHIL Jang (brown belt)
9. Taegeuk PAL Jang (high brown belt)
You must submit to Sensei a typed scenario
of your invented kata along with the moves.
Know the environment well.

• All 15 self-defense moves from white-blue belt
• 3 invented self-defense moves from purple belt
• Spontaneous self-defense (brown belt level)
Timing, focus, technique, and power are critical.

Be prepared to spar the entire academy, up to 4 opponents at a time,
employing full contact (respecting opponent's size).
Apply proper technique, timing, control, breathing,
combinations, footwork, power, and strategy.

Know the strikes (including ready positions and blocks),
self-defense, and kata of all 5 weapons (bo, jo, tonfa, sai, nunchaku).
Also know advanced Bo kata.

BREAKING:Be able to use any strikes we've used in class to brea boards:
Straight Punch
Palm Heel
Hammer Fist
Shuto Strike
Ridge Hand
Hook Punch
Front Kick
Round Kick
Side Kick
Hop Side Kick
Jumping Front Snap Kick
Spin Side
Hook Kick
Spinning Hook
Flying Side
Tornado Kick
You may also be asked to use these strikes in combination to break multiple boards.
Be prepared to break one 1-inch cinder block using any hand technique. 
Your true self-discipline will be tested by sitting in one position of your choosing
(as long as your back is kept straight) for a period of up to one hour.
Meditation is strongly encouraged to help you with this.
This is a test of physical and mental discipline.
This will now be done on the honor system.
Have this done before your exam begins.

One last requirement . . .
In order to get your black belt in this academy,
you must eat sushi or kimchee with Sensei!
If you survive this ritual,
you most likely have earned your black belt.

P.S. My computer-mouse JUST broke.



We should seek the greatest value of our action.


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