Saturday, September 12, 2015


"SUCK … IT … UP!"

So, I TAUGHT the KIDS' class … & SOME of the ADULTS' class in 'Jujitsu' earlier today.

"When you do what you LOVE, it's NOT 'work'."
(--Pitbull on 'The Tonight Show w/ Jimmy Fallon')
… PLUS, another 'Sensei' demonstrated one of my THREE NEW Jujitsu-techniques to the ADULTS' class.
(… I designed TWO techniques last night.  AND, while my WORST--TENTATIVE--Caregiver was LOUDLY "putzin-around" WAY TOO EARLY this morning, I created a THIRD.)

'Tis NOT I:
"I'm a GREAT 'Quitter'.  It's one of the FEW things I do WELL."

 "If you take everything I've ever done in my whole life and 

compress down into one day, it looks decent."

(--George Costanza, 'Seinfeld')

(… On the CONTRARY, "looking-BACK" on ALL I've accomplished, MY-life looks/seems RATHER EXTRAORDINARY!)

(… Although, I'd DEFINITELY-say that, for the MOST-part, … "the PARTS are GREATER-than the WHOLE".)

In this society/civilization/WORLD, in order to "FULLY-GAIN" what you/I/we WANT, you/I/we MUST NOT tolerate ANY "BULLSHIT"!

(WARNING) So, I awoke SUPER-EARLY this morning (5:16 am) to the "RUMBLING"/"GROWLING" of my stomach.  So, I "buzzed" 'ir al ban(tilde)o'.  … After two UN-successful "excretory-ATTEMPTS" with my semi-CLUELESS (TENTATIVELY-new) Caregiver, I "performed" a RELIEVING-display of "'BOMBS over Baghdad'" … AFTER the "shift-CHANGE" at 6:00 am.
WHEW!  I ALWAYS feel "WONDER-FULL" right-AFTER I "serve MY 'CHOCOLATE-Surprise'"!

"GOOD-things are gonna HAPPEN to me!  I'm Joe Dirt."
(--Joseph Dirte', 'Joe Dirt')
(… Only REPLACE "Joe Dirt" with "A.J. Kaynatma".)


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