Wednesday, September 2, 2015


"I'm exercising my right NOT to 'walk'."
((… Oh, (not so)SWEET I-ron-EE!))
(--'Dead Poets Society')

… The FIRST "step" towards "GETTING-SOMEWHERE" is to
DECIDE that you're NOT going-to STAY where you are.

"'STRENGTH' doesN'T come from what you CAN-do.
It comes from 'OVERCOMING' the things you once thought you couldN'T."
(--Ashley Greene)

… (Tapping my foot)
I am "in-the-process" of … POSITIVE-changes.

When you STOP "chasing the WRONG-things", you "give the RIGHT-things a chance to "catch you".

(Y'ALL have been blessed with "IMMEASURABLE POWER" to make POSITIVE-changes in your--respective--LIVES.)
make the REST-of-my-life
the BEST-of-my-life.
(… "ANSWER the 'call' … from 'LIFE'.")

… "So, it IS about 'CHOICE'."
(--Neo, 'The Matrix Revolutions')

… 'Por ejemplo',
I COULD DECIDE-to NOT "give EVERYTHING my ALL" & just "REST on my laurels".
(… I shrug my shoulders.)
But, I'd RATHER "go WITH the grain" of my ACTIVE-lifestyle & "stay BUSY". 

… MINOR Grammatical-Quiz (… 'cuz I KNOW my "Speech/Language Pathologist"-mom IS reading this):
"For the LAST example, INSTEAD of "gettin' FANCY" with my SPANISH 'For example', could I have SUBSTITUTED-IN 
"I.e."?  … Why?

And, … TIME!

I COULD (ONLY) have used "I.e."  Ya see:

"I.e." stands simply for "that is," which written out fully in Latin 

is 'id est'. "I.e." is used in place of "in other words," or "it/that 

is." It specifies or makes more clear.

"E.g." means "for example" and comes from the Latin expression exempli gratia, "for the sake of an example," with the noun exemplum in the genitive(possessive case) and singular to go with gratia in the ablative (prepositional case) singular. "E.g." is used in expressions similar to "including," when you are not intending to list everything that is being discussed.
The abbreviation e.g. can be used with more than one example, but don't end your multiple examples with "etc." Don't say: I like coffee shops, e.g., Starbucks, Seattle's Best, etc. Do say: There is debate as to whether some of the Julio-Claudian emperors (e.g., Tiberius and Nero) were evil.
(… The ABOVE grammatical-explanation comes from 
"About Education". )

(… I remember THIS rule via the association -- 
"I.e. = Individual example;
"E.g." = Every grade)

Today at "NeuroFit 360", I "WORKED-out" with/for a NEW (FEMALE-)trainer.  
Granted, I had NEVER gone-through such a "KINETIC-demonstration … AT my gym.  But, I "sucked it-UP".  She led-me as I WALKED the ~60 feet across the (INSIDE of) the facility, … while I held ONLY two LONG "canes".  Also, she STRETCHED & "INSPECTED" my "surgically-REBUILT" LEFT shoulder.


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