Wednesday, September 9, 2015

"STRONG-side!" "LEFT-side!"

… (--'Remember the Titans')

So, I awoke this morning MUCH latER than my USUAL-day.
(7:16 am)
But, I believe that THAT's NO-REASON to WORRY!
… I merely/simply had an EVENTFUL/TIRING day yesterday.  So, I slept "SOUNDLY".
(… NO, I do NOT SNORE!  … My last girlfriend said I merely breathe-DEEPLY.  She claimed,
"It's SOOTHING … like a cat's PUUURRR."
(… Should I be OFFENDED?!  Am I LESS of a MAN?!
"Suuurrr-vey SAYS!  … HELLZ-NAW!  I'm just MORE- of an 'ANIMAL'!"

So, BEFORE I got-OUTTA bed to "BEGIN my day",
I watched a few sketches of COMEDIAN Whitney Cummings.
(… I've GOTTA START my day with some LAUGHS!)

After I "WALKED" to my bathroom-sink to brush my teeth, I "WALKED" to my toilet to URINATE … into my toilet … while "STANDING".

THEN, I watched some television.
(… COMEDY-shows & COMEDY-movies)

GREAT workout--yet AGAIN--at "NeuroFit 360"!
(… I worked-on my leg-CONTROL & -COORDINATION … by "doing the 'Hokey-Pokey'" … with my LEGS, as I held a "guard-rail".


(Yesterday I watched 'Remember the Titans', and SOME of the scenes were A BIT applicable to my CURRENT-situation.:

(After today's FORMAL-workout,)
My Housemate--to ME: What are you?
ME: Mobile, agile, hostile!
My Housemate: What is pain?
ME: French bread!
My Housemate: What is fatigue?
ME: Army clothes!
My housemate: [He puts hand to his ear] Will you ever quit?
ME, MYSELF & I: No! We want some mo', we want some mo', we want some mo'!

(I COMPLIMENTED my housemate on his CHIPPER-mood & 


My Housemate--to ME: Attitude reflects leadership, captain.

(My housemate is PUZZLED as to why I doN'T try to FIX my 


MY reply: I don't scratch my head unless it itches and I don't 

dance unless I hear some music. I will not be intimidated. 

That's just the way it is.

(My ANNOYED-reply to the government's STUPIDITY--with 

expletives DELETED:)

ME: (PESSIMISTS), I'm hurt. I'm not dead.

DREADED "Florida Institute of Neurologic 

Rehabilitation"-Director (calling from HELL)

This is no democracy. It is a dictatorship. I am the law.

MY reply: MUTINY!  Does the term "cruel and unusual 

punishment" mean ANYTHING to you?!

ME--to my Housemate: Well, you think I look banged up, 

you should see my (Ford-Explorer).

My Housemate: Man, I sure am sorry, man. I should have 

been there with you.

ME: What are you talking about? You would've been in that 

bed right next to me.

My Housemate: You can't be hurt like this. You - you're 


My housemate--to ME: [I'm VIOLENTLY-rubbing my 

INJURED-legs.] Hey now, all that rubbin' ain't gonna make 

them (LEG-nerves) grow back no faster, now, you know that, 


My SOLILOQUY: [after I got into my car accident] I don't 

know (dude), maybe (my EX-girlfriend) was right. Maybe I 

pushed (my LEGS) too hard.

My housemate: (A.J., you) had an accident. Sometimes life's 

just hard, for no reason at all.

ME: Do you think I was blinded by my own ambition?

Housemate: Whatever kind of ambition it took to do what you 

did around here, this world could use a lot more of it, (A.J.).

ME: Sometimes life is hard for no reason at all.

ME: I'm a winner. I'm going to win.


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